“Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matt 19:14).
In 2002, responding to the Lord’s calling for them to enter into the mission field, two parishioners of St Nicholas, Peter and Sharon Georges, first went to Africa to serve the Church. Three years later in 2005, they founded the St Nicholas Uganda Children’s Fund. Almost twenty years later, the St Nicholas Uganda Children’s Fund now supports over 150 orphans and vulnerable children in primary and secondary school, vocational and professional training, and university. The fund pays school fees and provides uniforms, shoes and socks, school supplies, meals, and health care. With your help, we can make a real difference in their young lives.
To find out more about this mision, please visit the main website of the Uganda Children's Fund. Its most recent newsletter is found here. Thank you for doing what you can to support the Fund.
Interested in having someone speak to your parish about the Fund?
Please note that Peter Georges is back home for the Summer. Consider having him visit your parish to speak about the Mission and how you might help it.